Designing for the store shelf

Mastering the FMOT

According to P&G, your packaging has just three to seven seconds for the average consumer to form a favorable opinion while on the retailer's store shelf. And while that may not seem like a lot of time, the truth is, those critical seconds can determine how successful your packaging design will be.

So how do you know what your product will look like on the retailer’s store shelf? If you don’t know what it will actually look like while in the design phase, you won’t be able to plan for your consumers' First Moment of Truth (FMOT). In our mastering the moments of truth white paper, we will discuss the FMOT:

  • What is it?
  • The science behind it.
  • Why it’s important to today’s CPG business.
  • How you can best design for it.
  • How you can achieve notable superiority.

Learn how you can help guide consumers through the FMOT experience by seeing how your designs will look on the store shelf — before the first prototype arrives on your desk. Download your copy today!


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